Before I start on Ramblers a few words on Brisbane. In some ways it is a little like Perth in that it seems very modern with lots of high rise glass covered and glittering buildings. However where Perth is reasonably flat Brisbane is very hilly, it has a Cathedral in the centre of the city which is nestled within the towering glass sky scrapers - see pictures. Brisbane seems much bigger than Perth and there seems to be endless shops and stores. I would like to go back there again but am not sure if I will make it before I leave.
Now to Ramblers - Ramblers skydive centre is purpose built. It is located in the Somerset region which is North West of Brisbane and about 2 hours drive from Brisbane. As I got past the outskirts of the city heading to-wards a place called Esk, the countryside became very green and undulating - a bit like the lake district but not quite as hilly. I passed over a dam which skirted the Wivenhoe lake. The view was truly beautiful, with large expanses of water with green hills as a backdrop.
When I reached Ramblers I was greeted by the DZ manager a guy called Rodney, in each hand he had a cold beer, one for him and one for me as a welcome to Ramblers - not a bad start. I was shown to my accommodation which is a large caravan, not the Ritz but comfortable and dry.
Ramblers is just outside of a small town called Toogoolawah. The setting of the DZ is generally flat with some banking on the perimeter of the DZ and there are trees scattered around giving shade. The thing that has struck me is the wildlife, particularly the birds. There are parrots flying around all over - they wake you up with a right din in the morning. In the distance I have seen some kangaroo's and there is a Koala lurking around in the trees somewhere but I have not seen it yet. A few days ago I saw a huge stick insect, it must have been 8 or 9 ins long and about one and half ins thick.
The set up for parachuting here is very good. They have two Cessna Caravan Turbine aircraft which whisk you up to 14,000 feet in about 10 minutes. So far I have had 5 jumps. As ever I have made some new friends Sarah and Gus (Sara is a Kiwi and Gus is from Argentina) I have attached a picture of me and Gus with pilot Jason just before we boarded the aircraft. Two other new friends are Ceri (pronounced Kerry)and Ulli, (Ceri the name originates in Wales - though Ceri is very much an Ozzy) Ulli, Ceri's girlfriend is from Germany. All of the skydive pictures taken in this section were taken by Ceri.
This past weekend has been very busy here - its a holiday weekend to celebrate the Queens birthday, I also believe it was the anniversary of the opening of Ramblers.
Part of last weekend it was raining, so Sarah, Gus and I went to the Toogoolawah Show. It was very much a local country show with farm animals, horse riding and "Pig Racing".
I have attached some pictures taken while I have been here, I hope you will like them.
Finally next Sunday I plan to move to Byron Bay which is south of Brisbane, I am told it is very beautiful there - I will let you know john 11/6
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