Arrived in Sydney from Brisbane last Thursday about 3.30 . However by the time I got sorted out I hit the rush hour traffic. By the time I got to Picton which is about 65 miles from Sydney it was pitch black and lashing down with rain. Got hopelessly lost several times, however did eventually find the place I was staying at about 7.15 pm. I am staying at a place called Mowbray Park. Its called a farm, but you would consider it more of a country house. Its owned and run by the Couch family. They have holiday accommodation for all ages. I have spent a few days helping out and its a great place for kids, they can run about, go horse riding, have camp fires and generally let their hair down. They also host conferences and have specialist riding events for adults. I have been made to feel very much at home by everyone here. There is a web site you can visit which will tell you much more about the place http://www.farmstayholidays.com.au/
I will get some pictures of the place on my next posting.
The farm is run by Blair Briggs who manages the farm with with his wife Jacqui (Jacqui is part of the Couch family), they have very generously agreed to let me stay here free of charge, the money I would have paid will be donated to NACC.
Now to skydiving. I have managed to get to Sydney Skydivers on Saturday, its a bigger operation than I expected. It has a large landing area and good facilities. It operates a PAC Turbine and and Skyvan. I got to jump out of both of them. I did 3 jumps in all. A solo, a two way and a 3 way. Everyone seemed very friendly and I had no trouble finding someone to jump with. I have put some pictures on the blog of my visit to the DZ. There is a nice one with the Australian flag on it. I am not sure if I am going to get back to the DZ as my time .here is quite short. I plan to go into Sydney to-morrow to do some sightseeing.
Will get back with a further update on Sydney, hopefully before long
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