Jim from the DZ, met me at the arrivals section of Tampa Airport. Tampa Airport is much bigger than I expected and very modern. The first thing that strikes you when you get out in the open is the heat and humidity. Its in the 90's during the day and mid 70's during the night and you sweat like mad so you need to take in lots of fluid. The ride to Zephyrhills took about 45 minutes. I am staying in a caravan on the DZ, the caravan are run by Judy and Pip, two ex pats and they have made me feel very welcome. The caravan has aircon and its on all the time, it would not be bearable without it. I have everything I need and can even connect to the net from the caravan.
The parachute centre is based on the perimeter of the Airport on the edge of Zephills Town. Its got very good facilities, kit shop, canteen, bar, the aircraft is a Twin Otter, there is a swoop pond for the real serious stuff, nice big landing area, there are facilities to stay over at the DZ if you want to.
Zephyrhills has a reputation of being a very friendly DZ. I can certainly vouch for that. I guy called Roy has been organising me onto various FS (formation skydiving) groups, its nice to be jumping with other people again. The groups so far have been between 6 and 9, that's more than I have ever jumped with. My performance to date is "tries hard, could do better", I am enjoying it and learning all of the time. So far I have done 6 jumps and hope to have some pictures before I leave. I am also going to get some sit flying coaching from Pip later in the week.
Another very pleasant thing about ZHills is the age of the jumpers, skydiving some of the time seems to be quite a young persons sport, not so here, it does not matter how young you are or feel you can skydive and be very much a part of it here. One of the guys I have been jumping with, is in his 70's, a real interesting guy, came back to the sport after a break of 21 years and has now done over 800 jumps in the past 3 years - that's more than I have done in 15 years !.
Before I came to the US I needed to get my USPA membership (United States Parachute Association), but since then I have got one other membership, I am now a proud member of the Muff Brother's, "Muff Brother no 4303". I am not sure what the actual requirements are, but I suspect I must fit the profile. Will it be a Green Card next !!.
That's all for now, will keep you posted. John 28/7
1 comment:
WHO WAS Another very pleasant thing about ZHills is the age of the jumpers, skydiving some of the time seems to be quite a young persons sport, not so here, it does not matter how young you are or feel you can skydive and be very much a part of it here. One of the guys I have been jumping with, is in his 70's, a real interesting guy, came back to the sport after a break of 21 years and has now done over 800 jumps in the past 3 years - that's more than I have done in 15 years !. TELL HIM I'M WIFE OF TOM SCRUGGS, ANOTHER OLDTIMER. THX, DEBRA
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